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6 Storage Hacks Every Vinyl Record Collector Needs (But Probably Hasn't Thought of Yet)

6 Storage Hacks Every Vinyl Record Collector Needs (But Probably Hasn't Thought of Yet)

So, you’ve finally decided to stop pretending that your vinyl collection is “just a hobby” and admit it’s an obsession. Good. Step one is acceptance. Step two? Figuring out where to put those 200 LPs (and counting). We know your record collection is your pride and joy, but it might also be taking over your living space like some vinyl-centric monster. Here are six smart, simple, and dare I say… life-changing hacks to help you keep your collection safe, accessible, and stylishly displayed.

1. The Vertical Stack Method (aka, How High Can You Go?)

Let’s get this out of the way: stacking your records horizontally is not a storage solution, it’s a cry for help. Stacking them vertically not only makes it easier to thumb through your collection but also prevents that dreaded vinyl warp (which, by the way, is a one-way ticket to Sound Quality Purgatory). Invest in vinyl storage boxes (like these ones we sell) designed for vertical storage and avoid the "Vinyl Jenga" disaster waiting to happen. Bonus: It also gives you an excuse to buy more boxes, which let’s be honest, you already want to do.

2. Dividers: For When You’ve Forgotten What You Actually Own

How many copies of Dark Side of the Moon do you have? One? Two? Eleven? It’s hard to keep track when all your records are huddled together like they’re hiding from daylight. Dividers aren’t just for alphabetizing—they’re for sanity. Organize your collection by genre, artist, year, or even “mood” (because yes, “rainy day funk” is a thing). Plus, using dividers with tabs makes you look organized. Key word: look. No judgment here. Check out our ones in black and white (fancy!)

3. Storage Shelves: The IKEA KALLAX is Your New Best Friend

You already know the KALLAX shelf is practically made for vinyl. But did you know it doubles as a personality test? No one can judge you for organizing your records by obscure sub-genres (hello, post-punk-funk), but they might judge if they’re still scattered across the floor. Get your records on a shelf. Not only will your collection look way cooler, but you’ll also feel like a real adult. Or at least like someone who knows the difference between “free jazz” and “fusion.”

4. Dust Sleeves: The Unsung Heroes of Vinyl Protection

If your records were children, dust sleeves would be the hand sanitizer you slather all over them. A solid, snug-fitting vinyl dust sleeve keeps out grime, fingerprints, and—God forbid—mold. Think of them as tiny, fashionable raincoats for your vinyl babies. They might seem like an unnecessary accessory until the first time you see a rogue pizza crumb lurking inside a sleeve. Protect those precious grooves, and while you’re at it, grab some outer sleeves too. Double protection = double peace of mind.

5. The Secret Drawer (Because No One Needs to See Your 90s Boy Band Phase)

Let’s be real—there’s always that section of your vinyl collection you don’t necessarily want front and center.

We’re talking about the guilty pleasures, the "I’ll listen to this ironically" albums, or anything by Nickelback. (No judgment... Okay, maybe a little judgment.) A hidden drawer or vinyl storage box with a lid is perfect for stashing those “I swear it was a gift” records. Out of sight, out of mind, until that rainy Saturday afternoon when you’re alone and it’s finally time to put on Spice World.

6. Use the Walls (Because You’re Running Out of Floor Space)

At some point, the floor stops being an option. This is when you get creative. Wall-mounted storage racks are the perfect way to display your vinyl as the art form it is. Plus, it says, “Yes, I am cultured enough to use my wall space for something other than TV cables.” With vinyl storage accessories like record frames, you can rotate your current favorites into the spotlight while keeping the rest of your collection neatly tucked away.

Next article PVC Sleeves, Vinyl Records and our Journey into Chemistry

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